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Beans, Beans, Beans Burgers

Chunky and filling burgers to please both vegetarians and meat lovers. Packed with fibre and flavour, they are simple to prepare and can be made in advance and frozen for later too. Great as a main meal.

Cooking time? 10 minutes

Serves Four


Ingredients priced from Asda

375g can cannellini beans £0.55

200g can butter beans £0.55

210g can red kidney beans, drained £0.55

75g fresh white breadcrumbs £0.80

4 spring onions, trimmed and chopped £0.40

1tbsp fresh chopped coriander

1 large egg, beaten

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Olive oil, for brushing

Burger buns £0.75 , salad £1 and thinly sliced vegetables, to serve

Why not add beans chips or a garlic bread as side? Or if you want to be healthier, a salad bag for £1. Vegetable prices will vary depending on your preference. Have some fun with it and make it your own!

Total £6.35


Cooking Method

Tip all the beans into a colander and rinse under cold running water. Drain well and pat dry with kitchen paper. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and mash until roughly crushed with a potato masher.

Add the breadcrumbs, spring onions, coriander and egg and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix thoroughly with clean hands then divide shape and divide into four chunky burgers.

Place the burgers on a foil-lined grill pan and brush with olive oil. Cook under a medium-hot grill for 5-6 mins on each side until light golden and piping hot.

If you prefer you can cook the burgers in the oven; place on a greased baking tray and brush lightly with oil then cook at 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5 for 15-20 mins until light golden.

Serve the hot burgers in split burger buns with salad and sliced vegetables.


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