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Tomato Risotto

A simple risotto full of flavour. Using white rice cuts down the costs but not the taste and saves plenty of change over for a delicious side. Like a garlic bread? Why not!

Cooking time? 25 Minutes

Serves 4

Ingredients priced from Asda

320g white rice £1

1 onion, diced £0.19

30g butter

300ml water

500ml passata £0.49

250g salad tomatoes or cherry tomatoes £0.71

75g -100g mature cheddar cheese £1.34

Total £3.81

You will also need a large microwaveable bowl!


Cooking Method

Place the rice, diced onion and butter into your large bowl, cover the bowl with cling film and place into your microwave. Cook on high for 3 minutes.

Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and peel off the cling film. Be careful, the steam will be very hot!

Stir in the passata and water, and then place the bowl back into the microwave and cook for a further 10 minutes, this time uncovered.

Meanwhile, chop your tomatoes and thinly slice the cheese; or grate it if you’d rather. P.S it’s gonna taste the same!

Add the tomatoes and cheese to the bowl and give the mixture a stir. You will see that the cheese will start to melt immediately.

Place the bowl back into the microwave one final time and continue to cook for another 8 minutes; by then the rice and tomatoes should be cooked through.

Give the risotto a stir before serving, to avoid any rice sticking to the bowl. You can sprinkle over a little grated cheese, if you have any spare!

Serve with your favourite side or by itself!


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